Parker’s Blog

Pondering School These Days

My thoughts and observations. Roughly seven months ago, the emergency shutdown decision to close the school buildings was made during a fearful weekend. Students would be home and teachers had to adjust their methods to accommodate fear of the virus — the China virus,...

Candy’s Birthday Trip III

Phase three: At the Beach How does one describe four days at the beach? Early on the beach, in the water, in the pool and hot tub, end the day with an excellent meal at one of many delightful restaurants, then a little family night fun. And by all means, don’t forget...

Candy’s Birthday Trip II

Phase Two: The Ride Down Friday morning, headed south on I-65. Traffic somewhere between moderate and heavy. Barbara and Candy drop off to sleep almost immediately. This is a good thing. I place the radio on some pleasant driving music, set the cruise and begin...

Candy’s Birthday Trip

Phase one: Planning This time it’s not like a pre-planned trip to Disney World or a cruise where everything is set-up far in advance. This one is a spur of the moment thing. Candy, my daughter, has a birthday coming up Saturday. (I don’t know which one, and...

Breakfast Before…

Breakfast is a routine every morning at the Parker home. It is first consistent, timely and well ... good. It is morning family time. My clock sounds reveille on weekday mornings at 06:45. Up, morning prep completed and dressed by 07:15. Dressed — as in ready to leave...

To My Never Ending Blind Date

It was unusually warm for an early February day. The sun glowed brightly in the mid afternoon sky. A lazy Sunday afternoon with a slight breeze drifting across the field. A boy and a girl walked leisurely across the cornfield, church service over, Sunday dinner done...

Becoming a Grandfather

Let me tell you a story; well, I don’t know why it would be called a story since it’s the truth. So let me tell you a truth. When our daughter was born, not only being the first-born to Barbara and I, but also the first-born grandchild to my parents, things were...

The Dreaded COVID-15

That’s right 15! The first time I heard this expression was from my son, Chris, one Sunday night while he was doing his Sunday night bible study broadcast from Peachtree City Church of Christ in Peachtree City, GA.  As best I can remember, he defined it as the...

Little Pleasures

Yesterday afternoon, Barbara and I went to the nail salon. And yes, this one is a salon. This is something we started about a year ago.  Now, I’m a man’s man; but normally on the last Saturday of the month, together — as a couple — we would go get our toes done....

Music Speaks

Today’s point to ponder is a quote from Hans Christian Anderson: “Where words fail music speaks”. Five simple words, yet so powerful in meaning.  In times of stress or extreme emotions, first pray. Then find a calming piece of music to concentrate on, allowing it...

One Man’s Opinion

I’m tired of hiding from this virus; and I’m even beginning to question if we ever should have.   Let’s face whatever comes. Yes, some may get sick and yes, some may die. But that’s life, that’s risk, that’s living life. Everyone has to die; I’d rather my death...

Hair Cut

Here I sit. Waiting, waiting to get my hair cut for the first time since the STAY AT HOME Directive was issued. And no, it’s not a Salon. It’s a Barbershop. And while they do stylist stuff here, the door still says Barbershop - red and white striped pole and all....